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CHAPTER 3: How To Sew A French Seam

nova-fabrics-store CHAPTER 3: How To Sew A French Seam

Christina Staggs |

How To Sew A French Seam

By Ms. S 

Its Majesty, The French seam!

I have used this seam on my recent creation. It’s perfect for sheer or lightweight fabrics and doesn’t need a Serger. Moreover, it looks neat. 

Step 1:

Sew a seam, wrong sides together. (This is the opposite of how you would normally sew a seam.)

Step 2: 

Trim the seam allowance in half or more.

Step 3:

Fold the fabric with the right sides together and press.

Step 4:

Stitch again, encasing the raw edge.

Step 5:

Press the seam to one side to finish. Press again from the right side of the fabric to flatten the seam.

Here you go! 

Now you know how to sew a French seam. 

It's easy, isn't it? Below are some photos to make it easy peezy!


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